Thursday, March 30, 2006

Iron Man at the Children's Museum!

This is a very sweet submission sent in by the talented Manuel Aguilera. Believe it or not, he actually drew this at an appearance he did at a children's museum. While entertaining kids with sketch requests, he got one from a mom who wanted an Iron Man drawing. All I can say is -- that's one cool mom! And she got an even cooler Iron Man drawing! Manny's fiance coloured it and, lucky for us, made a scan of it before giving it away. I like the bright colours in this piece; it compliments the boldness and looseness of the strokes that make up the figure.

That's one confident convention sketch!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Here I come to save the day...!

Whoah! Long time between posts so I thought I'd post this little marker doodle I did today as a warm-up. It was drawn pretty quickly with Pitt pens so please excuse the sloppiness.

And of course, I just HAD to go with the ditko fins!

Note: I liked this one enough that, a little later, I drew up a tighter version of this doodle. Compare the final below with the rough if you dare!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's the 'stache, Cap!

Thanks to Ronald Salas for letting me post this great Iron Man panel he drew up. I gotta say, his website and comic art is awesome. And he really knows how to handle b&w art. It's hard to believe he's not drawing a book fulltime. I love this panel for all the little things -- like the tone he's put on and the expression on Cap's face.

Thanks again Ronald!